The official length for Thor: Love and Thunder is 119 minutes. The 29th Marvel feature has a very reasonable runtime and comes in at less than two hours. The query that remains is how long will it all take to finish? The cast is pretty stacked, and from the looks of the trailer, the narrative will feature one wild journey. The Phase Four feature Thor: Love and Thunder is the fourth solo outing for the character and the eighth overall film he has starred in within the MCU. That’s three hours of wall-to-wall Marvel action with almost every character the franchise has ever seen making an appearance. The Incredible Hulk has a modest runtime of 1 hour and 52 minutes, while the box office smash hit Avengers: Endgame is 181 minutes long. When it comes to Marvel movies, there is no formula for how many hours and minutes go down from start to finish. The Irishman, The Batman, and practically every Star Wars feature make viewers go the distance to make it to the credits and post-credit scenes.

The time it takes a person these days to watch a movie can be longer than expected, and so many titles are ambitiously going in and around the three-hour mark. But many are most certainly curious to know the runtime for Thor: Love and Thunder. The length of every Marvel Cinematic Universe feature varies, and some are inevitably longer than others.