Since we're quite busy with other stuff I don't know when these new brackets will be finished and I'm quite happy with how my "fix" of the old bracket looks. For now I have been using "]" to make it look good with these old brackets, but as I said we are looking to creating new brackets that will fit in better with the way Dota 2 tournaments works. Dota 2 a team game, so that's why we're looking into creating new brackets, but as I said we haven't decided on the final look yet. Hello, I should be the right person to talk so since I was the one who started doing this :) We are looking into changing the brackets for the Dota 2 wiki, since they are just copied over from LP2 which is a "player-centered" wiki, and thus the brackets were made to look good with small race and flag icons. TeamShort template is mostly used in match results tables like on GosuLeague Season 4 Division 1 and i think it will look better with smaller icon (you can see preview in The International 2012 in Group A/B Matches).